STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach.
The aim of our Entrepreneurship Program is to foster entrepreneurship spirit in students so that in the future it can create entrepreneurs. We aim to create the skills,and attribute in our children from early age which will help them to take on the new world challenges at later stage.
At Cambridge Junior to develop creativity and imagination skills of our young children we have expressive art and design curriculum which focuses on learning seven elements of Art namely Colours, Lines, Textures, Shapes, Space, Values and Form.
To implement these approaches in our learning and teaching processes we have created classrooms which are enabling and provide opportunities to children for self-learning as well as instructional strategic facilities to our students.
Our Creative Classroom
Bringing Great Design Ideas To Life
Our Creative Classroom are provided with various learning centers indoor and outdoor
To implement these approaches in our learning and teaching processes we have created classrooms which are enabling and provide opportunities to children for self-learning as well as instructional strategic facilities to our students. Our Creative Classroom are provided with various learning centers indoor and outdoor as following.
Expressive Art and Design Center: (EAD Center)
Unleash creativity with paint and crayons. Experience sense of accomplishment in the creation and innovation. Learners visually express themselves and also learn how to critically evaluate theirs and the peers artwork, in process accelerate cognitive skills.
Role play
In this area children are given opportunity to play and take pretend role of different people. Children learn collaboration and problem-solving techniques in this area as they are pretending of somebody from their real-life experiences. Role Play helps children with-Conversation, Cooperative Play, Creativity, Group Discussion, Language building, Problem Solving.
Block Center
Children learn to work collaborative in this center. They explore blocks of all sizes, shapes, texture, colour, and patterning. Learners develop math and problem-solving skill. Learners get an opportunity to recreate experiences, and explore the elements and complexities of structures.
Discovery Center
Learner as an explorer and focus on thinking and inquiry related to the world around him or her.
Music and Movement
Music a universal language especially for expression of emotions, dance a unique medium of learning about self and the world
Circle Time
Throughout the day various large group and small group activities are held in this area. Morning Circle time establishes a daily routine and enhances personal and social development daily repetition of calendar time extends possibility of triggering mental math and essential language.
Literacy Center
Listening and visual literacy gives learners the power to express, communicate and reflect on experience, thought and feeling. Learners develop verbal skills and sensitivity to sounds and its association to letters. Reading and viewing along with writing and representing. Children explores reach language program in this area.
Math Center
As the name suggests children explores various manipulatives and learns concepts like Identification, classification and representation of 2dimensional or 3D shapes, counting, ordering, estimating, calculating and relating to whole or part quantities.
Reading Book
This cozy area in the classroom caters to the need of the intrapersonal child who want to spend quiet time with books or just want relax from the active environment of the classroom. This area is stocked with interest level books of the class and some soft furnishing.
Nature Zone
Children explore natural resources and learn farming and Gardening in this area. Students are able to locate and understand relationships between natural, social and cultural environments. Also, nature assists in understanding of our environment expands possibilities for prudent uses and productive benefits that are sustainable. This is an outdoor zone.
Outdoor Play
Learners indulge into creative and fun activities and in process develop gross motor, social and cooperative skills.
MUD Kitchen
Mud Kitchen is an exciting, messy, creative area to play, Children experience sensory, emotional and imaginative play as well as developing math, science and speaking skills. They also benefit from playing outside and interacting with other children.